AOI-Haryana first meeting was held at Rohtak (Haryana) in 1996 under the guidance of Dr. O.P. Sachdeva (President) and Dr. S.P. Gulati (Secretary).
One of the first recorded accounts of ENT surgery according to many historians is found in ancient Indian Sanskrit texts from 600 B.C.
In the Sushruta Samhita, a text by Hindu surgeon Sushruta, the "attached flap" method of plastic surgery of Nose and ear is described. This procedure was used to repair noses and ears that were lost either as punishment for crimes (such as adultery) or in battle. During a nose reconstruction, skin was cut from the cheek or forehead, twisted skin-side-out over a leaf of the appropriate size and sewn into place forming a new nose. In order to keep the air passages open during healing, two polished wooden tubes would be inserted into the nostrils. This method became known as the "Indian Method of Rhinoplasty" and was kept secret for centuries in India.